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Fines and Other Penalties

     1.) For Overdue Books

          * Circulation Books – P2.50 per day, excluding Sundays and Holidays

         * Reserve Books – P2.50 for the first hour and P3.00 per succeeding hours
     2.) For Delinquent Borrowers of Reserve Books

        2.1. First Offense – Fine & suspension of borrowing privileges for two weeks.
        2.2. Second Offense – Fine &  suspension of borrowing privileges for one month.
        2.3. Third Offense – Fine & suspension of borrowing privileges for the rest of the semester.
        2.4. The penalty for stealing books, periodicals, clippings from the library is tantamount to suspension of library  
              privileges for the rest of the semester. The case will also be referred to the University Disciplinary Board for further
              deliberations and actions.


Loss or Damage

         1.) Lost or damaged book/s must be paid for or replaced with the same title/s and edition not later than one (1) week after the librarian has been notified of the loss or damage.

         2.) If replacement of the lost or damaged book cannot be produced, the borrower shall be charged the amount double the cost of the book in its current market price, plus all accrued fines and other processing fees. 

         3.) In case of mutilation of library materials, offender shall be penalized with a fine of P 100.00 per page of a book or  periodical damaged. In addition, library privileges will be suspended for the rest of the semester and the case will  be referred to the university Disciplinary Board for appropriate action. 

         4.) Any student or borrower caught for forgery of the library personnel or the librarian’s signature for the purpose of settling accounts from the library or for clearance purposes shall be penalized with suspension of library privileges for the next school term. The case will also be referred to the Disciplinary Board for appropriate action.