The Library     The Staff     Regulations & Policies     Fines & Other Penalties     Services Offered     Learning Resources     Lib. & Internet Services Hours    

Authorized Users

         * WNU students enrolled in the current term; ? WNU administrators, faculty and staff;
         * WNU alumni;
         * Cross – enrollees;
         * Visitors with referral from their school librarian (charged P100.00 a day) .

General Rules Governing the Use of the Library

         All students duly enrolled in WNU are entitled to the use of the facilities of the library subject to the library regulations.

         1.) All students are entitled to the use of library information sources upon presentation of their Library Cards.
         2.) General Reference books and periodicals cannot be taken out of the library.
         3.) General Reference and Reserved books can be used in the library by hours.
         4.) Borrowing of Reserve books for overnight use starts at 4:00 p.m. and should be returned not later than 9:00 a.m. of the following day. A fine of P2.50 will be charged to those who fail to return the books on time and P3.00 per succeeding hours.
         5.) Each student is allowed to take home two (2) books (non-fiction) at a time for overnight use and fiction books can be taken for a week.
         6.) If any library materials (books, magazines, etc.) are marked, damaged or lost, the full price must be paid for or replaced and the original material remains the property of the library. 
         7.) Silence and honesty must be observed in the library.
         8.) Dyads or group discussions are not allowed inside the library.
         9.) Whole class researchers should be rarely accommodated. If this activity is very necessary, the teacher should find out from the librarian two (2) days before if the necessary library materials for a whole class research are available. The approval of the Dean is needed for this big group research work. 
         10.) Undergraduate students are allowed to use the Graduate Studies Library only upon the recommendation of their teacher in that subject with the approval of the Director of Libraries. 
         11.) Violators of any of these rules forfeit their right to the use of the library facilities for a period of time depending upon the gravity of the offense.



Circulation & General Policies (loans)

   1.) All books must be given extra and proper care by the borrowers. Borrowers are responsible for it until it will be returned to the Circulation Counter.
         2.) Students can borrow one (1) Reserve book for overnight use at one time.
         3.) Any student who has incurred fines is not allowed to borrow books unless he/she will settle it at Circulation Counter.
         4.) Books must not be exchanged among the borrower’s themselves. The privilege of loaning books in the library is personal and non-transferable.
         5.) Loan services cease thirty (30) minutes before closing time.
         6.) Loan period ends two weeks before the final examination.